Research, Education & Capacity Building

The question we often ask ourselves at the Cat Island Conservation Institute is “What are we educating ourselves for?” When the response is “a more equitable, peaceful and prosperous world for all”, the education systems must support this. Our educational programming is engaging, immersive and grounded in increasing sustainable and impactful economic opportunities for young people, women, and local communities. Attend one of our Grouper School sessions, enrol in a Climate Leadership Course, or travel with us to explore one of our global classrooms.

In 2021, Young Marine Explorers installed the first two CoCoRaHs rain gauges on Cat Island (in Arthur’s Town and Orange Creek). Our Royal Rain Catchers check the rain gauges as often as possible and record what they find. By consistently measuring the rainfall throughout the year, we can understand what the rainfall is like and how it changes with the seasons. Down the line, these measurements will help the community plan their water use and make decisions about preserving precious freshwater. Become a Royal Rain Catcher.

The Ocean and the Biodiversity that lives within are the greatest assets that we have in The Bahamas. The Ocean supports us emotionally, economically, socially, spiritually, and physically. Ensuring that all island people have safe, equitable access to the Ocean and the multitude of benefits it offers is essential to creating thriving resilient island communities. Dive into the Ocean with us!

Climate Solutions must be implemented at all levels. Join as as we build our climate smart hydroponic farm in Cat Island where we seek to grow and sell fresh vegetables to support our collective good health and wellbeing. Get involved, learn, and advocate with us by participating in one of our many educational offerings or by attending or sponsoring the 2023 Regional Conference of Youth convened in Barbados this October.