The United Nations Sustainable development goals deadline is fast approaching. For marginalised and underserved communities around the world equitable and long term development solutions are required. Through innovation and co-creation meaningful social transformation is possible. Join us in our commitment to transform our advocacy into tangible actions.
Together we can collectively improve our quality of life. This requires strategic coordination and an understanding that everything is connected. In small island communities the impacts of Climate Change are compounding which is why addressing SDG 13 demands that the other 16 sustainable development goals are simultaneously achieved.
In 2022 the first YOUNGO Regional Conference of Youth was convened in The Caribbean. Part of this meeting included the co-creation of a long-term vision document for sustainable development from a Pan-African perspective. Participants of RCOY Caribbean – Bahamas developed policy recommendations for the different Sustainable Development Goals. One of the priority actions that emerged from RCOY Caribbean 2022 was the importance of strategically designed citizen science and community science programmes.
Collective Action for Sustainable Development
Together we will create a more peaceful and prosperous future. This list of SDG actions were co-created by the young people who participated in the YOUNGO Caribbean Regional Conference of Youth in 2022, in The Bahamas. As we prepare for RCOY 2023 convened this year in Barbados we invite all young people to work with us to co-create the solutions that will enable us to achieve the following actions. Our goal is to support young people in the creation and implementation of innovative solutions. Join us during RCOY Caribbean 2023 as we refine our actions and build the budgets to support our collective climate action plans.