Collective Action

Our Vision

Our Vision is a world where coastal communities are prosperous, safe, and respectfully living in harmony with nature.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire communities to actively participate in the conservation of their environment and resources through community projects, research, education, and sustainability stewardship that honours indigenous and ancient wisdom

What We Do

Sustainable peace and prosperity  is our goal and we achieve this by connecting and cultivating communities through the arts, heritage, science, research, education, and knowledge sharing opportunities that lead to economic opportunities. Learn more about the RETHINK Global Initiative for Sustainable Development.

Cat Island Conservation Institute

Climate Action

Climate Diplomacy is at the heart of our approach to Climate Action. Climate Action demands that we educate and build capacity in local communities around the world and ensure that sustainable financial models exist to support the most vulnerable members in our society. Thus enabling the collective elevation from  poverty that supports building the resilience required to adapt to the compounding negative impacts imposted by the changing climate. Read more here.

Ocean Conservation

Healthy and clean oceans are essential for life on Earth. Most of the oxygen we breathe is made by marine life, and the ocean absorbs a lot of human-made carbon dioxide (up to 26% every year). For Bahamians, the sea provides people with food, fun, and finances (through selling things from the ocean or attracting visitors). 

UNESCO declared 2021-2030 the “Decade of the Ocean”. So the next ten years is a chance for countries worldwide, and local communities like Cat Island, to take responsibility for protecting the oceans and fairly sharing its resources. Learn more about our Community Marine Scientists.

Water Preservation

Water is sacred and it sustains life on our shared planet. Countries around the world like The Bahamas are water scarce. Access to clean and quality water is needed in communities all around the world. Addressing water scarcity requires an integrated approach of innovation, effective policy, education and strategically designed citizen science and community science programs that are culturally relevant and include engagement mechanisms that ensure the long term participation of the general public. Become a Royal Rain Catcher Today!

Heritage Tourism: Swahili Soul - Lamu Kenya October 2024

Swahili Soul is a four day educational retreat designed to captivate all your senses. Culinary experiences and cultural immersion create a supporting environment for learning and innovation. Our curated series of worskshop’s include cooking with Chef Odoom, time spent with the local community tackling the challenges of marine coastal debris,  and opportunities to learn the Ki-Swahili language and about the rich history of this unique island and UNESCO world heritage site.  Our Heritage travel offering  is the perfect opportunity to stimulate your senses and take a moment to relax from your bustling life.

Ocean Love Coffee

Ocean love has the power to transform the world. Each cup of coffee supports the economic empowerment of women and youth in small island communities from  the shores of The Bahamas, to the mountains in Ethiopia. While the realities of the climate crisis can be overwhelming collective global action will bring about the transformation the world needs. 

Our Ocean Love Coffees are grown by women from the picturesque Rift Valley region in Nandi Hills, Kenya. Learn more


Upcoming Events

Swahili Soul October 2024

As your Dhow glides across the water off the sandy shoreline of Shela beach, the Kenyan sun slowly drops, scattering yellow, red, and pink hues over the glittering ocean, the serene archipelago, and the labyrinthine ancient town of Lamu Island. You and your new friends, including a local barista, a Swahili musician, and an expert in marine biology exuberantly reflect on the day’s activities, from the morning’s Yogic breathwork and sipping the best Kenyan coffee while learning about empowering farmers, to the afternoon’s collaborative art workshop. As you anticipate the evening’s farm to table offerings and musical performance, you spy another new friend, the local chef, who you wave to as he races by on another Dhow glowing bright in the evening light. This isn’t travel, you think to yourself, while smiling and laughing along with your companions. It’s a new global community.